Discover the Andalusian horse: Equestrian art dressage show
Horses are used in every facet of Andalusian life, and have been since time immemorial. Whether it’s for political functions, or for pleasurable days on the beach or whether they’re taking out the goats or parading through town, Spanish Andalusians horses are amazing! Why not immerse yourself in this equestrian culture by booking onto a Carameltrail tour today? Come and see for yourself how this animal is the corner stone of life in the south of Spain!
Andalucía’s warm, Mediterranean weather with its high proportion of hours of sunshine seems to mark the hospitable character of the region’s people making it a popular holiday destination.
Horses have played an essential part in the everyday life of this region for centuries and now we are delighted to offer you the chance to experience the very best of the cultural and natural heritage of Andalucía with this equestrian art dressage show in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain.
Andalusia has all the benefits for an unforgettable horseback ride. You can gallop on the beaches of the region, be enchanted by the magic of the white villages, discover the mountain landscapes of the Sierra Nevada and many more. Besides, the climate makes Andalusia attractive for horse riding all year round, one more reason for you to ride a “caballo andaluz”.
Spanish Andalusian Horse Breeds
From the well-loved Andalusian horse to the lesser-known Jaca Navarra, Spain is the home to many stunning breeds of horses. Each of these breeds are treasured for their different characteristics. Moreover, Spanish horses have influenced many worldwide horse breeds. Many American Mustangs have Spanish blood, from when the Spanish first brought their horses to the continent of North America in the early 1500s.
The Andalusian is one of the oldest breeds of horses in the world
Also known as the Pure Spanish Horse or PRE (Pura Raza Española), this special breed has been considered “the royal horse of Europe”.
Once you’ve seen an Andalusian horse, it’s a breed that you won’t forget. Recognizable thanks to its long, flowing mane and tail, and for it’s animated, beautiful movement, this type of horse draws your attention.
Also, the Iberian Horse is an ancient breed. Cave paintings of its ancestors, estimated to be 20,000 years old, have been found on the Iberian Peninsula, where Spain and Portugal are located today.
The story of the Andalusian and Lusitano horse starts as far back as the Ancient Greeks and Romans when the horses of the Iberian Peninsula had been sought after as premier riding horses.
The beautiful Andalusian horse is used for many equestrian activities, including dressage, show jumping, pleasure riding, trekking, western pleasure, hunting and driving. Andalusians are well-built horses that serve a lot of purposes and are considered extremely popular by the breeders.
The Andalusian horse (Pura Raza) is a proverbial breed of riding horse known for its intelligence, sensitivity, and tractability. They are perfect for dressage, riding, and competing purposes. Besides, this whitish-gray horse was used as a warhorse in the history of Europe and other countries like Spain.
Elegance, power, strength, and beauty are words that describe the Andalusian horses
Andalusian horses are still used today in bullfighting rings in Spain, yet they are versatile enough to round up cattle on a ranch or compete in dressage and jump competitions.
In Spain, the equestrian art is an artistic genre traditionally linked to flamenco, Andalusian culture and dressage. Thanks to this art, the horses will demonstrate their incredible dancing skills.
Horse riding is in an Andalusian’s blood. So, here you can find festivals where horses dance. The Feria de Jerez, also known as “Feria del Caballo”, takes place every May and is a week of celebration centered around horses. This fair started in the Mediaeval Ages when, for one week, farmers from all around Cadiz province would congregate in Jerez to buy and sell animals and drink sherry together.
These days this festival has evolved into so much more and involves so beautifully the “caballos españoles”, with a pop-up village and a theme park in Jerez’s Parque González Hontoria.
The main event of this festival remains the horse parade where the townsfolk come together to parade their horses through the streets of the town.
Jerez de la Frontera is internationally known for the magnificent dancing horses
The Real Escuela Andaluza del Arte Ecuestre (Andalusian School of Equestrian Art) in Jerez, Cadiz, attracts hundreds of people every Tuesday and Thursday to see equestrian culture.
This School has taken on a social and cultural commitment from the Equestrian Heritage of Andalusia. Teaching techniques in the world of horses and selecting Spanish thoroughbred horses for breading are some of their activities.
The horses they select are trained for four years. Later on, they join the oldest group of horses, which are the most used in the exhibitions programmed by the Royal School.
Students and horses train together, because one wouldn’t be anything without the other.
This is the only way they can achieve a perfect classical or country dressage and they are submerged in traditional old riding, which always brings the crowd to their feet in applause.
The show is defined as an authentic equestrian ballet but for those who have seen it, the meaning is much greater. Visitors are hypnotized by the majesty of the horse moving slowly to flamenco rhythms.
If you are not an expert jockey, but would like to experience the joy of riding an Andalusian horse on a golden beach, fear not!
Enjoy a magnificent vacation on Spanish horseback with our tour in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. Ride our exceptional Spanish horses through the most impressive and varied landscapes Andalusia has to offer!
Photo: Author El Pantera. Under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
We know it sounds so good, but we assure you, this is truly horse riding at its best. Join us for a really special riding holiday in Spain that you will always remember with great affection.